
Cambridge Cycling Club ride schedule

Wednesday Night Road Ride:
A level is a fast ride of various hills, fast pacelines and road intervals to be conducted at the discretion of the ride leader.
We usually run groups “A” / “B” / “B+” ( No Drop B/B+ ) for varying levels of riders. The ride time is 2-3 hours.

Friday City Rambler:
This is a once-a-month ride with a casual pace meant to allow riders to enjoy some social time with club members.
Bring lights and expect to stop for treats.

Saturday Gravel Ride:
This gravel ride will be on roads, trails and paths. It is a great way to not have to ride near motorized vehicles.
It will be 2-4 hours and we usually run 2 groups. 

Sunday Morning Long Ride:
This road ride will take you over 2 or 3 hours with the idea of pushing endurance. We usually include a stop and run 2 groups.

Group ride prerequisites:

  1. As per OCA rules, all participants must be a CCC club member or a declared guest of an OCA/UCI affiliated club.
  2. You need a road bike in good working order, be mindful to do a pre-ride check before a ride.
  3. Be self-sufficient. Do not rely on others for flat repairs, water, food etc. Bring a charged cell phone, ID, emergency information and the proper clothing for the day.
  4. You need to have a certain minimal level of fitness. Members should be able to ride for 2.5 hrs at 20km/hr.
  5. You need to have a basic understanding of group riding skills. If you don’t we offer beginner group riding skill sessions in the early season.
  6. You need to be familiar with and willing to abide by our ride guidelines, be courteous and respectful of other cyclists and road users. Call out obstacles, point to potholes and hazards to the group and in particular to the riders behind you in the group.
  7. If the Ride Leader determines that a rider is not prepared for a ride, as per above, the ride leader has the discretion to refuse to allow participation in that day’s ride. 

Ride Leaders

A ride leader(s) may be appointed by The CCC board for each of The CCC rides. The ride leader will identify himself/herself with the group so that everyone is aware of who is coordinating the ride.

The ride leader may describe the general ride route and may provide a brief safety tip at the commencement of the ride. Each individual group on a CCC ride may or may not have a leader/coordinator.

The ride leader(s) has the final decision on all matters pertaining to The CCC ride and his/her decisions must be respected by all participants. Ride leader(s) will carry a cell phone for emergency use on all The CCC rides. The CCC members are encouraged to carry their own cell phones on The CCC rides. Riders should immediately call 911 in the event of an emergency.

If no ride leader is present, members should continue to follow the Risk Management Plan and Ride Policies accordingly

Below you can find the ride leaders checklist and the necessary form for reporting an accident:

Ride Leader Pamphlet Checklist

Incident Report Form

Ride with GPS Club Account

Welcome to the Ride with GPS Club Account. This is our central repository of routes and weekly events.

Premium RWGPS features for the CCC routes library are available to all club members that have a free RWGPS account and join the club library with the above link to subscribe

All active club members have access to premium navigation features on all club routes and events:
  • Voice Navigation in our mobile app
  • Offline Maps in our mobile app
  • PDF Maps + Cuesheets
  • Advanced Turn Notifications with TCX files
  • Estimated time
  • Club Account Member Benefits Page
All route and member managers have access to features only found on the Club Account:
  • Advanced Route Planning Feature
  • Route Changelog with edit history
  • Club Account Route Backups
  • Member list filtering & sorting
  • Club member list CSV export
  • Added ability to add routes to events with filtering and sorting options
  • Add Club logo to PDF Map and Cuesheet
  • Club Account Manager Page
Contact Clubs@ridewithgps.com
with any questionS
Cancellations & Extreme Weather policy

Ride cancellations will be posted through SLACK our communications app, on the day of the ride up to one hour before the scheduled ride.

Please be aware that club rides will be cancelled as a club insured & sanctioned rides due to weather if:

  1. It is raining at the start of the ride.
  2. There is a forecast of 70% POP or more of rain or lightning, thunderstorms etc. or extremely high winds (50kph+) for the duration of the ride based on the hourly forecast on
    The Weather Network / Environment Canada.
    Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t ride, it just means that we don’t recommend you ride and that Ride Leaders will not be attending in that capacity. You’re welcome to ride in any sort of weather but for safety reasons, we can’t authorize it.
  3. Severe weather: Funnel Cloud or Tornado warnings are forecast through The Weather Network / Environment Canada.
  4. Diehard riders are not encouraged nor are they discouraged. If the ride is not sanctioned the cyclist must be aware there is no OCA insurance coverage unless you subscribe to the extended OCA rider coverage

Remember we try our best to keep you safe and that we are only as good as the forecasts.